05. Quiz: Conditional Statements

Quiz: Guess My Number

You decide you want to play a game where you are hiding a number from someone. Store this number in a variable called 'answer'. Another user provides a number called 'guess'. By comparing guess to answer, you inform the user if their guess is too high or too low.

Fill in the conditionals below to inform the user about how their guess compares to the answer.

Start Quiz:

# '''
# You decide you want to play a game where you are hiding 
# a number from someone.  Store this number in a variable 
# called 'answer'.  Another user provides a number called
# 'guess'.  By comparing guess to answer, you inform the user
# if their guess is too high or too low.

# Fill in the conditionals below to inform the user about how
# their guess compares to the answer.
# '''
answer = #provide answer
guess = #provide guess

if #provide conditional
    result = "Oops!  Your guess was too low."
elif #provide conditional
    result = "Oops!  Your guess was too high."
elif #provide conditional
    result = "Nice!  Your guess matched the answer!"


Quiz: Tax Purchase

Depending on where an individual is from we need to tax them appropriately. The states of CA, MN, and NY have taxes of 7.5%, 9.5%, and 8.9% respectively. Use this information to take the amount of a purchase and the corresponding state to assure that they are taxed by the right amount.

Start Quiz:

# '''
# Depending on where an individual is from we need to tax them 
# appropriately.  The states of CA, MN, and 
# NY have taxes of 7.5%, 9.5%, and 8.9% respectively.
# Use this information to take the amount of a purchase and 
# the corresponding state to assure that they are taxed by the right
# amount.
# '''
state = #Either CA, MN, or NY
purchase_amount = #amount of purchase

if #provide conditional for checking state is CA
    tax_amount = .075
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)

elif #provide conditional for checking state is MN
    tax_amount = .095
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)

elif #provide conditional for checking state is NY
    tax_amount = .089
    total_cost = purchase_amount*(1+tax_amount)
    result = "Since you're from {}, your total cost is {}.".format(state, total_cost)
